President’s Heads
In 2004, a local entrepreneur named Newman unveiled Presidents Park, an expansive ten-acre sculpture park. The park showcased an impressive collection of twenty-foot-high sculptures depicting all 43 presidents, skillfully crafted by David Adickes. Over the years, thousands of visitors flocked to the park to marvel at these colossal presidential heads.
However, despite its initial success, Presidents Park faced financial challenges and eventually fell into bankruptcy, forcing its closure in 2010. As the park ceased operations, the park's authorities initially planned to have the monumental sculptures destroyed. However, a resourceful farmer stepped in and expressed his interest in saving them.
With a personal investment of $50,000, the farmer undertook the ambitious task of relocating each colossal head to his family farm, harboring the hope of restoring them to their former glory. This act of preservation ensured that these iconic sculptures would not be lost forever.
Additionally, a captivating short documentary titled "All the Presidents' Heads" sheds light on the history and journey of these massive sculptures, documenting their creation, time at the park, and subsequent relocation to the farmer's property.